
The all-volunteer committee meets once a month throughout the year to organize the River Run Garbage Grab. While we have no paid staff, there are a number of costs associated with this event, such as, recycling costs, entertainment, food, banners, etc. Even with sponsorship dollars and in-kind donations, we will fall short of covering the entire cost for this event. Therefore, we are offering the items below for sale. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the River Run Garbage Grab Event.

Photo of Hale-Bopp Comet Near Boone

Commit Print

This is a signed color 8 x 10 photograph taken of the Hale Bopp comet on Easter Sunday, 1997. The comet was at its closest approach to the sun that day, and therefore at its brightest. St. Paul's Lutheran is approximately 10 miles east of Boone on the west side of Highway 17.

The photo won "Best of Show" at the 1997 Iowa State Fair, and has appeared in several publications, most recently on the back cover of the DNR's magazine: Iowa Outdoors.

Click on the button below to order one or more photos at $25 each (price includes shipping):

Become a Sponsor

For corporate or private sponsorship recognition, alternate payments or general questions about donations send us an email at or visit our Contact page.

You may also mail your contibutions to:

Des Moines Chapter Of The Izaak Walton League Of America
C/O River Run Garbage Grab
4343 George Flagg Parkway
Des Moines, Iowa, 50321

We are an IRS 501(c)(3) organization, so your contribution is tax deductable, our Emplorer Identification Number (EIN) is 42-0687715.